BBC micro high scores, from the magazine Laserbug ------------------------------------------------- Scores collected by W.H.Scholten ( ) This file was last updated 2017-12-18 =================================================================================================== See also my list of scores from the internet, and my own scores in a few more text files, and see my website where I analyse some game scores, on whether they are real, or made on e.g. an Acorn Electron: - To get your hands on scans of the magazines have a look here: + + Retropdfs's pdfs are, at least for Acorn user, based on the pdfs on, but the retro pdfs have the advantage of added searchable and selectable/copyable text (not perfect but good enough so you can copy and do some slight editing to correct errors). + =================================================================================================== I checked Laserbug to the last isssue on, which was no. 16. =================================================================================================== All the scores are pre-Electron era so definitely no issues here with interpretation of how it was made. See more on this topic on my site: =================================================================================================== ============================================================ Laserbug: ============================================================ ==================== == Laserbug #10 March 1983, p.16 == ---------- arcade game hi-scores This is a new section that has been promised for several issues. On this page we will list a number of arcade-type games available for the BBC Micro and the high scores that people have obtained on them. All the scores below are those the LASERBUG team managed to get after a short while with most of the games and all should be very simple to beat. Please go ahead and send us in your top scores but please (i) have a witness to sign the letter and (ii) tell us roughly how long it took you. I'm sure that we will dream up a prize for the best score. Anyway, the high scores are: Arcadians (1): 7 600 Atlantis (2): 26 300 The Frog (3): 15 050 Galactic Firebird (4): 9400 Invaders (2): 3 060 Meteors (1): 9 500 Monsters (1): 10 860 Planetoid (1): 44 500 Stratobomber (2): 5 984 Zombies (3): 2 870 (KEY TO SUPPLIERS: (1) Acornsoft, (2) IJK Software, (3) Software for All, (4) Kansas - generally all these games are the best of their kind in this topic i.e. we thought that Invaders from IJK was the best invaders program available.) ---------- ==================== == Laserbug #11 April 1983, p.17 & p.24 == ---------- Arcade game high scores We seem to have started something here. Almost the day after you received the last issue we started having hi-scores sent to us. The current list of hi-scores appears below. If you can beat any of the scores below let us know but please (i) have a witness sign the letter and (ii) let us know roughly how long the score took you to get. Arcadians (1) 16 010 (15 Mins) Ian Cook The Frog (2 ) 15 050 LASERBUG continued on page 24 continued from page 17 Galactic Firebird (3) 9 400 LASERBUG Invaders (4) 11 430 LASERBUG Meteors (1) 16 800 (7 Mins) Koon Loong Chan Monsters (1) 104 650 (30 Mins) Ian Cook Planetoid (1) 159 775 (30 Mins) Ian Cook Rocket Raid (1) 46 480 (15 Mins) Koon Loong Chan Snapper (1) 170 190 (15 Mins) Koon Loong Chan KEY TO SUPPLIERS: (1) Acornsoft, (2) Software for All, (3) Kansas, (4) Secta. Generally these games are the best of their kind i.e. The Frog is the best version of Frogger available in our opinion. If a skill level is offered in a game this is normally the standard one that is chosen. Laserbug April'83 ---------- ==================== == Laserbug #12 May 1983, p.10 == ---------- arcade game high scores This months high scores have seen both Ian Cook and Koon Loong Chan beat one of their previous scores and a new addition - that of Andrew Graham. This high score feature is proving very popular with you all but the charts are still dominated by Ian and Koon - isn't there anyone else out there with quick reactions and a strong trigger finger? If you can beat any of the high scores below let us know (i) the game, (ii) if it has difficulty levels what game you were playing on, (iii) if you have the option whether you were using the keyboard or joysticks, (iv) how long it took you, (v) the score itself (that would help slightly - Ed.) and (vi) the signature of somebody who witnessed you. Arcadians (1) * 22 750 * 15 Mins (J) Ian Cook Atlantis (2) * 32 300 * ??? Andrew Graham Meteors (1) 16 800 7 Mins Koon Loong Chan Monsters (1) 104 650 30 Mins Ian Cook Planetoid (1) 159 775 30 Mins Ian Cook Rocket Raid (1) * 129 510 * 25 Mins Koon Loong Chan Snapper (1) 170 190 15 Mins Koon Loong Chan KEY: J - Joysticks 1 - Acornsoft 2 - IJK Software ---------- ==================== == Laserbug #13 June 1983, p.21 == ---------- This feature has been going very well. Most of the high scores are obtained on Acornsoft games so we dropped a line to them, asking if they kept a record of the highest known high scores on their arcade games. It turns out they did - thus smashing most of our old high score chart to ribbons! Upholding the name of LASERBUG though is Ian Cook who has a high score on Snapper beating anything Acornsoft has on record. Other new high scores this month (other than the Acornsoft ones) are from Ian Coldicott and Andrew Graham. Arcadians (l) 35 000 Neil Raine Atlantis (2) 39 650 Andrew Graham Galactic Firebird (3) 10 400 Ian Coldicott Missile Base (1) 50 000 Jonathen Griffiths Meteors (1) 44 000 Neil Raine Monsters (1) 110 000 Neil Raine Planetoid (1) 408 000 Neil Raine Rocket Raid (1) 135 000 Nick Pelling Snapper (1) 240 830 Ian Cook Starship Command (1) 2 152 Johnathen Griffiths KEY: (1) Acornsoft (2) IJK Software (3) Kansas Don't forget if you have a high score beating those above then please write in, making sure you have a witness sign the letter. Also, if you have any other arcade game listed above that you have obtained a reasonable score on, drop us a line. ---------- =========================== = Laserbug #14 Sept-Oct 1983, p.5: = ---------- arcade game high scores Where would we be without Ian Cook? Is it fair that he alone should be given the near impossible task of beating the official Acornsoft high scores??? Come on all you arcade game fanatics out there, help Ian by trying to beat some of Acornsofts (and Ian's!) Scores . . . Arcadians(1) 35,000 Neil Raine Atlantis(2) 39,650 Andrew Graham The Frog(3) 22,380 Ian Cook Galactic Firebird 10,400 Ian Coldicott Missile Base(1) 50,000 Jonathen Griffiths Meteors(1) 44,000 Neil Raine Monster(1) 134,040 Ian Cook Planetoid(1) 40,800 Neil Raine Rocket Raid(1) 135,000 Nick Pelling Snapper(1) 262,810 Ian Cook Starship Command(1) 2,152 Johnathen Griffiths Super Invaders(1) 46,300 David Featley KEY: 1 Acornsoft 2 IJK Software 3 Computers for All 4 Kansas If you have a high score that beats any of the above games or have achieved a good score on any arcade type game not mentioned above please send them into us giving full details including a signature of a witness or some proof of the score Laserbug July/Aug'83 ---------- WHS: The score by Neil Raine for Planetoid is missing a digit, see issue 13... =========================== = Laserbug #15 Sept-Oct 1983, p.11: = ---------- arcade game high scores This month we have decided to add a few games of our own that people haven't yet included. Come on all you arcade game freaks (including Ian "Zap" Cook) lets start zapping a few invaders, saving a few frogs and gobbling those power pills and boost up these scores a bit more. Android Attack (1) 17 465 Mark Barbour Arcadians (2) 35 000 Neil Raine Atlantis (3) 39 650 Andrew Graham Attack On Alpha Centuri (4) 7 920 Paul Barbour Carousel (2) 25 740 Maureen Barbour Centipede (5) 15 450 Mark Barbour Felix And The Fruit Monsters (6) 20 160 Paul Barbour Felix In The Factory (6) 7 150 Mark Barbour Galactic Firebird (7) 10 400 Ian Coldicott Hopper (2) 13 108 Mark Barbour Hunchback (5) 1 640 Mark Barbour Killer Gorrila (6) 95 450 Jonny Lee Missile Base (2) 56 240 Paul Barbour Meteors (2) 44 000 Neil Raine Monsters (2) 257 060 Ian Cook Moonraider (6) 243 000 Jonny Lee Planetoid (2) 434 700 Neil Raine Q*Bert(5) 12 420 Mark Barbour Road Runner (5) 53 400 Mark Barbour Rocket Raid (1) 135 000 Nick Pelling Ski Slalom (8) 4 410 Mark Barbour Snapper (2) 262 810 Ian Cook Space Hi- Way (9) 18 200 Paul Barbour Starship Command (2) 2 590 Ian Cook Super Invaders (2) 46 300 David Featley KEY: 1 Computer Concepts 6 Micro Power 2 Acornsoft 7 Kansas 3 UK Software 8 R H Electronics 4 Software Invasion 9 Amicom 5 Superior Software If you have a high score that beats any of the above games or have achieved a good score on any arcade type game not mentioned above please send them into us giving full details including a signature of a witness or some proof of the score. LASERBUG Sept/Oct '83 ----------