Pictures of BBCs

Pictures are mostly 1600x1200 pixels / ca. 350 KB.

Regarding the missing leaflets: The leaflets were not provided with all machines though, in an early case of a machine bought end 1982 a catalogue and some other materials were sent by COMPAC (dutch importer/distributor). My own BBC which I bought 31-12-1983 came with an envelope with the 'Autumn 1983' catalogue from Acornsoft, something about Beebug, and a few leaflets for Acorn's hardware like 'speech system', 'disk system' (I lost the envelope/leaflets as I've mentioned elsewhere).

Another colourful box exists, which I estimate was used from late 1984 on. I've got hold of a machine in such a box, images to follow. This machine did not come with leaflets according to the owner, but the box was open so may have been taken out.

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